Welcome to Boulder Lake Association
Nevis, MN
Minnesota Department of Resources
Especially important this year
Minnesota’s waters are for everyone -- whether you’re driving a boat or personal water craft, paddling a canoe or kayak, or just going for a swim. If the craft you’re operating creates a wake, you’re responsible for it. To “own your wake” means you aren’t throwing waves onto the shore and docked boats or creating a dangerous situation for paddlers and anglers as you pass. Remember, shared resources require shared responsibility. mndnr.gov/safety/boatwater/own-your-wake.html

Get To Know Us
Boulder Lake Association was founded in 2005 by a few neighbors on the Lake, with the idea of preserving the shoreline, habitat, and natural beauty of the lake. This site is a place for us to get current lake association info, communicate with one another, and share our biggest Fish, Eagle, Loon, or other Boulder Lake photos.

Contact Us @
Boulder Lake Association
21394 Fairview Tr. Nevis MN. 56467